Career Consulting

One-on-One Coaching Process:

  • You receive a copy of my comprehensive binder that includes three workbooks – one for Soul Search, another for Research and a third for Job Search. This way, you have all the exercises to complete the career consulting process, my signature Career Guide template for capturing the information, and my recommended resources for maintaining the proper Mindset.
  • With the Full Process, you receive 12 one-hour career consulting sessions conducted in flexible 2-3 week increments over the course of six months: 6 sessions are spent on Soul Search, 4 on Research and 2 on Job Search.
  • With the Accelerated Approach, you receive 6 one-hour career consulting sessions over the course of three months: 2 sessions are spent on Soul Search, 2 on Research and 2 on Job Search.
  • With the Essential Process, you receive 3 one-hour career consulting sessions over the course of three months: 1 session is spent on Soul Search, 1 on Research and 1 on Job Search.
    • No matter which package you choose, each session involves pre-work including exercises or self-reflection questions relating to your specific career needs and goals. All relevant career consulting materials are provided in a comprehensive binder or provided via email before each session.
    • In each session I ask probing questions to help you prioritize and get specific about what you want and don’t want in your ideal career.
    • Career Consulting Sessions are completed via phone, zoom and in-person (where possible).

Career Consulting Outcome:

  • After each career consulting session, I synthesize and organize all the insights to date in your own custom career guide and send you a copy. (This is the case for the Full Process and Accelerated.  In the Essential, I guide you in completing your career guide.)  At the end of the sessions, your completed career guide will continue to serve as a useful reference for research and decision-making throughout your career.
  • You will receive a set of specific short-term and long-term action steps to position yourself to move toward your ideal career. Your custom action plan will be set to a timeline in line with your career needs and goals.
  • My clients have told me that they receive a renewed sense of confidence and clarity to go after their ideal careers because of our work together. Learn more by reading past client testimonials.

To determine if one-on-one career consulting coaching is for you, tell me more about your career needs and goals.

Self-Study Materials for Career Change

Self-Study Process:

  • You receive a copy of my comprehensive binder that includes three workbooks – one for Soul Search, another for Research and a third for Job Search. This way, you have all the exercises to complete the career change process.  You will also receive my signature Career Guide template for capturing the information, and my recommended resources for maintaining the proper Mindset.
  • I am happy to introduce you to the Soul Search, Research and Job Search approach including the steps and materials; and how to use those career change materials in your own self-study career development.
    • As you complete the Soul Search, Research and Job Search approach on your own, you will organize the insights into the Career Guide framework provided in the self-study materials.
    • Add career consulting sessions at any time to answer any questions you have as well as to get support in getting specific about what you can do to move toward your ideal career.  (See Ad Hoc Coaching Sessions below).

Self-Study Outcome:

  • To the extent you complete the self-study process, you will have your own customized career guide with all the elements of your ideal career, career possibilities, research steps and custom action plan. Your completed career guide will continue to serve as a useful reference for research and decision-making throughout your career.
  • Again, to the extent you complete it, you will have outlined a plan to position yourself to move toward your ideal career. You will know the steps you need to take and have a timeline to achieve your ideal career.

To determine if self-study is for you, tell me more about your career needs and goals.

Ad Hoc Coaching

One-hour sessions conducted via phone on an as-needed basis to address a specific career issue, challenge or opportunity.  There is no commitment to a set number of sessions.

Goal Coaching

A package of three one-hour sessions for those who know what they want from their career but need help making it happen with specific goals, action planning and support. Includes best practice goal setting and action planning templates.

To determine if Ad Hoc or Goal Coaching is for you, tell me more about your career needs and goals.

Kind Words from Happy Clients

I really enjoyed working with Maggie. She really cares about her clients. She has always gone the extra mile to check in how I was doing, and she was a very good sounding board. She also facilitated my process in thinking things through and seeing things in a new perspective. I have happily transitioned to a new industry.

“Having initiated a sabbatical just a few months before, I was immediately attracted to this opportunity [Career Retreat] when I learned about it, and I am glad to say it exceeded my expectations. I was surprised on how well Maggie balanced our experience between conversations that pushed us to deep reflection, while at the same time delivering a tangible work frame that helped us investigate ourselves in a structured way, and from there build action plans aligned to our passions. Maggie is an experienced and passionate coach who demonstrates love for what she does.”

“Maggie’s strategies for career coaching involve an intense soul-searching phase that allowed me to go through an exploration of my strengths and desires in order to narrow in on what would be the best career fit for me. Less than 6 months later I was in my target job as a corporate trainer. Thanks Maggie for getting me on the right path!”