Having to Choose Work Over Family? View my CNN segment on How You Can Have It All

A recent study revealed the moms are the breadwinners in 40% of households.  I feel it’s great that women are making more and more moms are the breadwinners in families.  But I hope it’s not because more men have recently been laid off due to employers who felt that they could get away with paying women less.  There is still a wage gap that I’d like to see disappear.

The study showed that for married breadwinning moms, their families benefitted from a more comfortable lifestyle but made their marriages/family happiness more challenging.  That is a problem and one I felt compelled to help with on a recent CNN appearance on the topic.  

In case you missed it, WATCH THE CNN SEGMENT HERE and read on for my best advice for working moms:  

  • Attitude matters. My advice to those in the study who finding are finding it a challenge to be the breadwinner and be a wife/mom, (I am a wife, mother and the breadwinner of my own household) is that you have to go in with the right attitude and love what you do.  I give this advice to everyone in any job anywhere.  If you’re going to be miserable it’s useless and that stress is going to put a burden on any household regardless of how much you make or who the breadwinner is.
  • Lead by Example. I think what’s very important that women, especially moms recognize a child is looking to you as an example of how to approach making a living, running a household, and enjoying life. And for women who are breadwinners, it is probably more important. A bigger TV (or more money) doesn’t make a happy household – studies prove that.
  • The Dad must be a partner. Or you need support (single moms) from family and friends. If it’s a career and a passion of the Mom, she must have buy-in and support to follow it… If she doesn’t she must Soul Search to find it or family life will be much more stressful.  Raising a family properly is a full time job for households, so this support is critical.
  • Set boundaries (even timelines) and establish family time. Make sure you make time for the others in your household too… the child(ren) and even your partner. Everyone will want to see you and for you to be part of their lives.

The CNN anchor focused on the public opinion of the increasing mom-breadwinner trend.  I say don’t worry what others think!  Always follow your dreams and do what makes you happy.  I’ve found that is the best formula for having a happy family.  

 The phrase "working mother" is redundant.  ~Jane Sellman

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