Keep The Positive Momentum Going This Year

Be Someone That Makes You Happy“Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.” ~unknown

Happy New Year!  2017 awaits filled with possibility and the chance to live the life you’ve always imagined.  It’s really true.  But just as the quote says, for many, the resolutions don’t stick.  What’s the difference between those who move forward and those who stay stuck?  Those who move forward keep the momentum going.

How To Keep The Momentum Going For YOU

I’ve heard it takes 17 times doing something new before a new habit is fully established.  Unfortunately once you’re back at work and into your routine in the New Year, old habits can be hard to break.

If you really want to make a difference for yourself this year and create changes that stick, here are some tools I’ve found to be very useful:

  1. Make your dream or goal specific and SMART.  You might want to have more work life balance or change jobs altogether but these goals are not specific enough.  You’ll want to spend some time reflecting on exactly what your ideal day looks like and exactly what kind of career you’re seeking to get into.  For many, getting to those specifics is a challenge and they need help which brings me to point 2.
  2. Soul Search to find your own answers.  When people want to get specific but they’re not sure how, they tend to ask others what they should do.  These ideas can be helpful but in my experience, they lead one down a rabbit hole into areas that aren’t a fit for their true dreams and goals.  Once you have your own answers, moving forward is key which brings me to point 3.
  3. Join a support group for your career.  Life can get away from us and a demanding job can limit the time we have to work on what’s really important.  Having a monthly mastermind group to check-in on  you, support you and your ideal career goals will help you keep moving forward with the proper attitude.  Join my winter career support group (aka mastermind group) and get three monthly 75 minute group coaching calls as well as a private 30 minute coaching session with me.  Find out more and sign up before January 15th for the early bird discount.

Men’s [and women’s] natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them. ~Confucius

Here’s to your best year yet!

Happy 2017!champagne-toast-by-ann-wilkinson



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