3 Career Resolutions To Add to Your List

"Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account."  ~Oscar Wilde


But that isn’t going to stop us from trying.  As the ball drops tonight in Times Square (just two blocks from my home) and you ring in the New Year, consider adding these career resolutions to your list for 2014:

  1. Do no harm.  Move beyond social responsibility to career responsibility.  Even if you think you know, research exactly how your employer earns the money to pay your salary.  Understand the intended and unintended consequences of the work you and your organization do. Make an effort in 2014 to offset any negative effects by proposing changes in where and how work gets done.  Recently on a trip to Costa Rica, I was very pleased our tour operator gave us water in biodegradable bottles.  It was not only cheaper than water in plastic bottles (plastic prices have gone up with oil) but our bottles will disappear in 3 years when planted.  I think it tasted better too.  Brainstorm ways to do no harm in your work.  Ideas you have may not only improve the customer experience as it did for me but also save the company money.  
  2. Do what you want.  Make 2014 the year you delegate.  Get the stuff off your plate that you shouldn’t be there. Selfish?  I think not.  You’re not good at the tasks you don’t want to do.  They take longer, you make mistakes, your creativity suffers.  If you want to be even more effective in the New Year, you’ve got to Soul Search to get clear on your unique core genius and center your work around that.  For me, 2014 is about delegating my website redesign to the contact I found via my friend Emily Morgan at Delegate Solutions. I’m excited to have a knowledgeable resource who can translate my new career offerings effectively online.   
  3. Support and encourage others following their dreams. Many people are following their passions with new businesses, new products, and new careers.  If you’re on the fence about making your own dream career come true, gain momentum by supporting someone already doing it.  Encourage them by writing a positive review or recommendation, buying their products or sending an email or text message with your supportive words. One of my clients, a financial services consultant turned travel blogger created a 2014 calendar of the amazing sunset images he’s captured.  I gave his calendar as a holiday gift and the recipitents were inspired!  Check out the calendar from StayAdventurous.com.  Another client, a marketer turned Registered Holistic Nutritionist always gets my recommendation when I hear someone wants to get healthy.  Read Jen Martin’s blog and learn more about her New Year’s Resolution to eat more fat. 

May the new year bring you more happiness, peace and prosperity because you had the courage the do something differently.  Happy New Year!

"I made no resolutions for the New Year.  The habit of making plans…and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me."  ~Anaïs Nin

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